Inktober Day 13: Teeming

Happy Friday the 13th!

The day made it easy to come up with an idea of what to draw (after I looked up what the definition of "teeming was). It's one of those words I feel I should know but had to make sure I had a good grasp on it. Don't want to embarrass myself and draw something completely different. 

A Ladder Teeming with "Bad Luck".

I feel like I could have drawn more black cats. You know, for maximal teeming-ness but I stopped at six because after growing up with six cats I learned that adding a seventh (a male who wanted to rule the clowder) throws the whole thing out of whack. 

And it was so frustrating coloring them all in.  I swapped between a BIC pen and a Sharpie. I wanted them all black but I wanted their whiskers and parts that overlapped with the main body to show. Otherwise they would look like black kinda-cat-shaped blobs.

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