Apartment Life Pt. 4

You don't live here!

Last week or so ago, my roommate was the only one in the apartment when two guys tried to get in with their keys. Luckily, the door was locked and after a moment's struggle, they must have realized that the apartment they were trying to get into wasn't theirs and they moved on.

Flash forward to this past Monday. The same two guys tried to get into our apartment with their keys again.

First off, it's 9 pm on a Monday night. Who the hell is going to be so swished this early that they can't find their own apartment?

And it wasn't like they were sneaking around either as they were blabbering loudly while trying to get the door unlocked. That's probably why they couldn't hear my roommate yell "Wrong apartment!" twice before I opened the door.


Must be an interesting split-second feeling when you're trying to unlock what you think is your apartment and some stranger opens the door.

Hello. . . .?

"Oh. We thought this was my cousin's apartment. It's in the same place as yours."

If it wasn't your "cousin's" apartment the first time, then it probably isn't going to be his apartment the second time. They quickly removed themselves from the stair tower but it left us with some unanswered questions. How would they have keys to the cousin's apartment? Better yet, how could they have keys to the stair tower? Did they live in the same complex? Did someone duplicate their keys for their personal use? It's not like we could have invited them in for a round of Dragonberry and Sprite then force them to talk.

Since our deadlock had been inoperable for over a month, we emailed the landlord to replace our lock (which he did quite quickly). He took the whole situation a notch more seriously than we did but now we have a new door lock and soon the stair towers will have new locks as well.

Note to self: Make sure the locks are changed at next choice of residence just in case duplicate keys made by the former tenants are floating around.


  1. Tenantry 101: Always change the locks first thing. Chances are, the previous tenants, if any, will have kept their spare keys:)


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