Apartment Life Pt. 5

It's been awhile since I've written a post about the apartment. It's probably because nothing much has been happening around the apartment. Aside from the following:

You've Got Drawers!

The landlord gave us a heads up that he was swapping out all the old refrigerators for new ones and that our apartment was scheduled to receive a new one. This was perfect timing since last semester the light in the refrigerator went out and a new one didn't fix the problem. After having to temporarily house our frozen and most-likely-to-perish foods in two different friend's refrigerators, we have a bright and shiny fridge that is well lit.

Before and After

Take that guys-who-stole-our-refrigerator-drawers!

The down side to all of this is that we tend to forget what we have in the drawers since they keep things out of sight and out of mind. We are currently housing three onions in the right side drawer because of this.


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